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SCUBA EXCEPTIONAL Become the Best Diver You Can Be


Simon Pridmore

In SCUBA EXCEPTIONAL, Become the Best Diver You Can Be, Simon Pridmore takes us further down the path of scuba diving skill development. Rather than go in the order of his books, I personally recommend skipping Book 2 and saving it for a later read.

Pridmore continues his focus on safe diving through the acquisiton of knowledge and skills.

The audible version of Pridmore's books are also highly recommended. I enjoy listening to them on a drive and absorbing the wealth of information contained. The more we are exposed to potential issues that can occur while diving, the better prepared we can be to think through the problem rationally and deal with it at depth.

Just a few of the topics covered in Pridmore's third installment are:

  • What makes someone a good diver?

  • How to swim against a current without getting exhausted

  • How you can be out of air while you still have plenty to breathe

  • How to be a defensive diver

  • How preconditioning applies to scuba diving

  • When to call DAN (and when not to call)

  • How to avoid being left behind in the ocean

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